Vocal ensemble A cappella

The ensemble is a 10-member female chorus whose basic program consists of songs and compositions from the Slovenian cultural heritage as well as the world choral literature. The group competes in choir competitions on the regional level, where it won 3 silver and 2 gold recognitions, and in the national competition of Slovenian choirs Naša pesem where they got two bronze and one silver award.

The singers released three standalone CDs entitled O musica, 10 years of singing and A concert with harpist Tina Žerdin. In collaboration with vocal groups Škrjanček and Fantje na vasi (Village Boys), they also put out The Spring Concert, The Autumn Concert, A Star is Rising and The Renaissance Madrigal and Motet.

A cappella has sung in Croatia and Austria on several occasions. In 2014, they performed at the final concert of Sozvočenje at the Slovenian Philharmonic in Ljubljana. The group is a casual guest of RTV Slovenia (Radio and Television Broadcasting House).

A cappella members are Anja Lešić, Katja Vasić, Dora Ožvald, Teja Fuchs, Alja Majcen, Eneja Lina Berglez, Eva Mustafa, Lucija Dajčman, Neža Kavčič, Kaja Ričnik.

The choir’s initiator and the artistic director is Tone Žuraj.

Kulturno umetniško društvo Rače, vse pravice pridržane. Ureja: KUD Rače, Admin: Eva Mustafa.